onsdag den 12. oktober 2011

Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin

One of, in my opinion, this worlds most impressive buildings of all time, is the renowned "International Airport Tempelhof". With a history that many wants to forget, but fortunately it is still standing. Tempelhof is a grandious building of architectual pride, that now hosts private companies, mainly within the fashion business, plus the fashion event Bread & Butter that takes place twice a year. 

mandag den 29. august 2011

KULT, Frankfurt

KULT, Frankfurt is selling The World Unlimited from front row at the entrance. Nice placement, girls! Thanks from Copenhagen.

tirsdag den 9. august 2011

Some styles for SS 2012...

The World Unlimited delivered the first products for some few shops around Germany 3 months ago. 

The World Unlimited presents now for SS 2012 it´s first full collection with some 110 styles and over 470 sales possibilities. The variety of designs is spread over a number of themes. With this "unlimited" project, we wanted to reach a big variety of clients, that were able to join. So far, we have succeeded. Independent fashion shops, jeans chains, department stores etc. is coming on-board. People are really paying attention to "The World Unlimited", and we are opening doors just because of a simple but varied product - in a very good quality - at a very good price - with a very good mark-up.

I love this!!


torsdag den 4. august 2011

"The World Unlimited" look book S-2012

The all new and "extended" version of The World Unlimited look book for S-2012 finally arrived. 112 new styles, all assembled in a very nice printed book. All themes easy to find, all styles easy to access. My day is made... now off to the shows at Copenhagen Fashion Week. Have a f...... fantastic day!!!

onsdag den 3. august 2011

American heritage visual

Copenhagen Fashion Week

The Copenhagen Fashion Week has just started. I will attend like other years, since 1982. As a guest. This year with a slightly different purpose though. Meeting the industry is always good, like seing friends - "enemys" - former partners - former manufactorers - suppliers - wholesellers - former customers etc... - now I´m there to meet new partners - new customers and of course to see what else news the business brings forward. Allthough that I don´t exhibit with The World Unlimited this year, I will bring the "very extended" look book for Spring 2012 to the fairs, to show for buyers that I know will be there. So...off to CIFF - Terminal 2 & Gallery! See you there..?

mandag den 1. august 2011

A lifelong inspiration... "Life on Mars" by Mr. Bowie

...sneak peak of Spring 2012.

Style "Metal Guru"

Collections for Spring 2012...

Demands was put on me, making my life for the past month or so busy like never. Nevertheless,  the "extended" version of the Spring 2012 collection of "The World Unlimited" came to life, and now we are showing the result to buyers around Germany. Full force ahead!

Allthough that "The World Unlimited" only was visable on the german market in a super small scale, and for only 4 months, it seems like that both the new sales agencies and the buyers of both smaller and bigger clients expects a lot from my brand. This is said while the market faces a "super crisis", that started in 2008 and which not have seen the end of it. So much more, I´m proud of what was achieved so far...

Having said this, nothing comes by itself. Big thanks to TW. Without a strong believe in "TWU" as a product, an organizing talent and an "on-hand operation" willingness, the product would never have made it this far...

I guess though that all products of whatever whereever, are facing difficulties in the first stages. So now, I will lean back and wait...at least until tomorrow!!!


tirsdag den 26. juli 2011


Welcome to my "The World Unlimited" universe...

I am happy to see you here, and I hope that the information and subjects put in this blog will be shared by many. 

I will blog about this and that, comment on things and inform about other things...mostly though about my work as a designer, and as owner of the company The World D&C and my brands, hereunder "The World Unlimited"...

So long, get back soon...bye for now